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St. Augustine, My Favorite Experience Thus Far!

St. Augustine may not have been the very first city in the state of Florida I had the liberty of visiting on multiple occasions, but it's one of my favorite cities to visit. There are so many historical buildings still intact since it's founding in 1565. It's a part of every Floridian school's history unit, and some even take a day trip to the oldest city in the United States. That was my very first time visiting during my 4th grade year at Cross Bayou Elementary. It was a wonderful experience the first time, as well as the very last time in 2010. Personally, I enjoy learning about each spots' history. My favorite? The Old Jail. The first two times, when I went with my 4th grade class and later with my Girl Scout Troop, I had simply been apart of our group experiencing what inmates would have experienced back then. My third and last trip had been with my family, and my brother and I had the chance to be deputies within our tour group. This was certainly a new experience for me as we got to help our tour guide during the tour. Although we visited other historical landmarks within the oldest city, not only was that last Old Jail visit memorable, but so was finally getting to visit the St. Augustine Lighthouse. I wasn't too fond of how the stairs leading up were designed, but once at the very top the view was just absolutely breathtaking! You could see almost the entirety of the city! Now, during those three separate trips I didn't have the chance to experience much of anything new, so I'm hoping to make another visit whenever we get the chance. My brother and I (myself being a native) being the only children who had the ability to experience my favorite city, we're hoping to give our kid sister an opportunity to visit in the future. There are just so many things you can also do outside of the historical attractions, too.

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